Greetings! Spring us upon us and we are busy, busy, busy! Students have been expanding our school garden as well as planting trees and seeds in our new pop-up greenhouse. Our chickens are healthy and happy, and our honeybees are thriving. We will be harvesting wax and honey within the next couple of weeks.

In late April, our school was re-certified as an official Maryland Green School. Be sure to check out our extensive, web-based green school application here: http://waldorfschoolofbaltimore.weebly.com/
As well as this widely circulated press release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/05/prweb11824154.htm

Another piece of exciting news . . . . In an effort to remain leaders into a sustainable future, The Waldorf School of Baltimore is now offsetting 100% of our yearly energy consumption with renewable energy! This avoids emitting 475,629 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and advances the U.S. green economy and energy independence. Read all about it here: http://www.greenschoolsalliance.org/news/green-schools-renewable-energy-purchasing-consortium-welcomes-28-charter-members
green_energy_cert_2014Thanks for reading!


Switch to Wind Power & Support WSB!

CLCstamp_windpowerGreetings! With Spring just around the bend, WSB is proud to announce a new partnership with Clean Currents. Clean Currents is one of the leading green energy providers in our area, and together we will be encouraging you to take a few simple steps to reduce your carbon footprint and support domestic, clean energy sources at little or no extra cost. Emily Conrad is the head of Clean Currents outreach program, the Green Neighborhood Challenge, and will be visiting our school and doing educational demonstrations and activities with our students over the next 2 months. She will also be attending faculty and parent meetings to empower you to make the switch to renewable energy. (Fun Fact: Emily is also an alumna of the Washington Waldorf School in DC).

Over the next 60 days (until 5/5), for every household that switches to Clean Currents, and mentions “The Waldorf School of Baltimore,” we will receive $30 for our school garden program! Plus for every 20 households that sign up we will get a $500 bonus! 

Signing up is super easy. You don’t have to own a home, you just have to be in charge of paying your electricity bills.

Check out current rates and make the switch HERE:

  • No instillation or switching fees
  • Same dependable power to your home
  • Continue to receive just one utility bill
  • Fixed rates that are competitive or lower than what your current utility provider offers

Make sure to type in “Waldorf School of Baltimore” as your “Green Neighborhood Challenge group” when you enroll so we get the credit. If you have any questions, call Clean Currents at 301-754-0430 ext 3 or email gogreen@cleancurrents.com. One of our former blog posts also has a good amount of information laid out for you.

Thanks for reading!

Be a Clean Energy Home

Good Yard Sign at Conrads 015Today I want to encourage you to switch your home’s electricity supply to a clean, renewable resource. So please pull up a chair and take 4 minutes to read this post.

As you may know, the utility industry was deregulated in the State of Maryland in 1999. Before then you had no option but to buy your electricity from BGE. Over the last decade new service providers have been popping up, some of which offer green energy. In Maryland, green energy is primarily supplied by wind and solar farms that are located in the western part of the state, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Some companies tap locally-sourced energy directly into the grid and others purchase Renewable Energy Certificates which ensures the electricity you use is supplemented by renewable resources on some grid somewhere in the USA — of course, locally-sourced is great, but either one is a good thing.

BGE has made it super easy for you to switch to any supplier you want, while they maintain the responsibility of delivering your power. And there are no fancy gadgets to buy or install. Plus, you won’t get another bill every month — it will be integrated into your monthly BGE bill — everything except your supplier stays the same. So there’s really no reason why you can’t power your home with a 100% renewable resource.

The BIG Question: Is it expensive? Nope . . . according to the national average it’s typically the about the same or only a fraction of a cent higher per kilowatt-hour. So depending on your usage (which you want to reduce as much as possibly anyway) it may only add a few dollars to your monthly bill.  If you can afford it, a few extra bucks is nothing for the piece of mind of knowing you’re contributing to the growth of our green industry and a clean energy future for your children.

So now that I convinced you to make the switch (I hope), I’ll tell you how to make it happen. I’ve looked at and compared all the companies that service the Baltimore region and weeded through them — I’ve settled on 3 that offer clean energy supplied through either partial or 100% renewable resources. Each company has different plans — some plans have a cancellation fee if you break the contract’s length, some don’t. Here’s my breakdown:

Clean Currents –  50% or 100% renewable fixed rate plans. Offers 1 or 2 year service contracts. There is an early termination fee of the lesser of $150 or $20 per month left on the contract; however, no fee if you move properties. This company offers both locally and nationally sourced energy plans. Clean Currents is my top choice (and you’ll find out why in just a minute).
Stream Energy – 100% renewable fixed or variable rate plans. Offers month-to-month, 6 month, or 1 year contracts. An early termination fee of $75 or $150 applies only if the 6 month or 1 year contract is broken — again, no fee if you moved.
Viridian Energy – 20% or 100% renewable fixed or variable rate plans. Offers month-to-month variable rate plans or 6 month fixed rate plans. There’s an early termination fee of up to $50 if the 6 month plan is broken — no fee if you move.

Ok . . . so there you go. All you have to do is click on one of those 3 websites and click through them to sign up — it takes only a few minutes (literally!). Have your current BGE bill handy so you can answer all the questions quickly. (If you want to do your own research, I found those companies on a list of alternate suppliers that be found HERE).

Please comment below and let me know if this info was helpful, and if you’re committed to making the switch to clean energy in your home (or business). If you’re (awesome and are already) ahead of us and made the switch a while ago, please let readers know which company you chose and why.

Within the next few weeks I will be working with a Washington Waldorf School alumna who works at Clean Currents on an incentive program that will directly benefit WSB and our garden! I’m also looking into having her come to our school on Earth Day to do some demonstrations for students and parents. So keep checking in!

Thank YOU for reading!