
About this Page:
This is the virtual home of the Waldorf School of Baltimore’s sustainability efforts and projects. Here you will find up-to-date news about what we’re doing to deepen our commitment to a sustainable future. You will also be able to learn about the various projects our students our doing to grow and strengthen their relationship with the more-than-human world. You can also subscribe to this blog and receive email notifications about new posts (look in the right corner of this page). If you have any questions, comments, recommendations, or something you would like to contribute, please contact Becka Miller at bmiller@twsb dot org..

About the Author:

Becka Miller is WSB’s Ecoliteracy & Sustainability Teacher. She also teaches daily Nature Studies lessons to our elementary students and is the director of our Forest Aftercare program. Becka has spent the last 10 years refining her unique approach to ecoliteracy as a Park Ranger, Park Naturalist, and facilitating nature studies and cooperative games at Fairhaven School in Upper Marlboro. During those 10 years she has delved into many experiments in sustainable living, including living on boats (a very small ecological footprint indeed). She attended St. John’s College in Annapolis for two years where she relished the study of Euclidean Geometry and Philosophy through primary sources and she holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She maintains a lively urban permaculture garden with four chickens of her own here in Baltimore and spends her free time practicing permaculture, building community, creating art installations, playing music and supporting Baltimore’s lively art scene. Follow her adventures in urban sustainability on Instagram @RainbowGroveGarden.


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