WSB Student Council Delivers Food & Toys to Paul’s Place

Below is a message authored (on a paper bag 😉 ) on Thursday Dec 18th by the members WSB’s Student Council while traveling to and from Paul’s Place in downtown Baltimore:

StudentCouncil-PaulsPlace-4We are now on the bus with Mr. Anderson heading towards Paul’s Place to drop off all of the food and toys our community has collected over the last few weeks. Thank you so much for your donations, they will help many families have a happy holiday season.
We just dropped of the food and had a tour of the facilities. We saw their many community resources… a kitchen, a computer lab, a clothing “store,” and met dedicated volunteers and social workers. We want to continue to support this unique and beneficial organization. When we return from our holiday break, we will have further conversations with Jayna Powell from Paul’s Place about how we can continue to help them with their mission to give the poverty-stricken people of Baltimore respect and dignity.
The Student Council

Below are photos of our trip:


Introducing TerraCycle!

TerraCycle-Logo-PNGWSB’s Student Council has approved an exciting new initiative . . .  our Middle School is now a TerraCycle host site! Which means that we will be collecting certain hard-to-recycle waste products and sending them to TerraCycle for points. TerraCycle will then re-purposes and transforms these items into new goods; and with the collected points our students will be able to do a plethora of great things for our planet. Some of the things we can redeem our points for are: adopting & preserving wildlife land, reducing carbon from the atmosphere, giving clean water to people in need, supplying chickens & bees to those in need, and giving school supplies to at risk youth.

IMG_0675Tonight, your Middle School Student will be coming home with a list to stick on your refrigerator. It will consist of things to keep out of your trash/recycle bin and bring into school. The items we’re collecting are as follows:

  • Hot & Cold Cereal Bags & Liners
  • Cheese Wrappers & Hummus Containers w/ foil or plastic seal (please wash)
  • Ink Cartridges & Select Toners
  • Tech Waste (including old/broken cell & smart phones, GPS units & graphing calculators, ipods & mp3 players, old tablets & E-Readers)

Although this is a Middle School initiative, we invite the entire WSB Community to take part in this exciting program. The new TerraCycle Station can be found upstairs in the art gallery hallway. Please check it out next time you’re around.


Food Drive Update: Delivered!

The Student Council’s food drive donations have been delivered to Paul’s Place in Southwest Baltimore. The donation weighed in at 181 pounds!
Our students have been visiting and volunteering at Paul’s Place since 2009. During various trips there students have served food, bused tables, assisted people, and organized clothing. In fact, our 7th grade class will be volunteering at Paul’s Place later this winter. On behalf of the WSB Student Council & Paul’s Place, I thank you for your generosity and support of this year’s food drive.

Student Council Food Drive: The Final Numbers

S1443_food_driveThe Student Council’s World Food Day Food Drive finished up last Friday. And although your generosity truly knows no bounds, I’m pleased to report that it did physically weigh in at (drum roll please. . . .) 175 pounds of food! I’ll be driving it all down to Paul’s Place within the next few days. Paul’s Place is a non-profit organization located in Southwest Baltimore. They offer a plethora of programs for in-need Baltimore City residents. Check out their website by clicking the logo below. If you have any last minute things you’d like to donate please let me or Jean know ASAP. Great job everyone!!!Top-with-logo_r1_c2

KIVA Loan Update

1255997Greetings! I just wanted to update you on our KIVA micro-lending program. So here it goes….
As of right now we have 11 members in our Waldorf International Community lending team — some are WSB parents and some are people from the greater Waldorf Community. In total, we have 14 loans attributed to the team which totals out to $425! This all started only 6 weeks ago with the Waldorf School of Baltimore’s initial loan of $25! Our team has lent money to people all over the world: Uganda, Kenya, Peru, Vietnam, Senegal, Samoa, Iraq, and the Philippines. And some of us have already started getting repayments on our loans.
If you’re interested in joining, please read about our work with KIVA in THIS former blog post. For everyone who joins our team and lends someone $25, WSB gets another $25 bonus to lend out — effectively doubling your loan! Click the image above to start lending. Remember, your loan of $25 goes a long way in some of these underprivileged countries and really helps out a lot of people. Thank you for your support! And have a wonderful weekend.